L.V. Matthews has been titled a “standout” debut and it’s obvious why. Her newly anticipated thriller, “The...
From UK Elle to The Guardian: Alexandre Holder “Opens Up” about her Journey to Publication
Look up Alex Holder’s name on Google and you’ll notice the incredible literary career she’s already had....
How to condense an 85,000 word novel into just 22 words…
This week, I’ve had to achieve the nearly impossible task of squashing my 85,000 word story into 22 words....
Holden Sheppard: Not Just Any Debut Author…
I’m still a little bit star-struck by my guest debut author today. Not only is he one of Australia’s most...
Louise Allan’s Journey from Awards to Publication
This week, I have the privilege of welcoming someone very close to my journey towards gaining...
Please, Leave Your Ego At The Door…
One thing is certain: You can have no ego. It needs to be left out of writing, out of drafting, out of...
The Creativity behind Curtis Brown Creative
There's no other course like it. A writing course led by leading literary agents. Tutorials taught by...
Ah, yes. The treacherous road to publication
Too many times I’ve heard the horror stories. I’ve read numerous blogs on how long it took. Query after...