The Write Club

The Write Club. It’s more than a club, it’s a community.

The sessions, the people, the courses, the retreats, the “WriteClubbers” are dedicated writers with the same goal in mind: to get published. We are a group of 80+ writers. We share resources, we encourage and motivate one another to achieve word counts, practice pitches to agents/publishers, learn the craft of writing and write to stand out.

Holly Craig created The Write Club in April 2022 to bring writers from all over the globe together to connect, network and support one another along this long and sometimes lonely endeavour of becoming a published author. During her university days, Holly realised just how important it was to have a circle of like-minded creatives around her, reading each other’s work, sharing feedback and discussing plots. THIS is why she created The Write Club.

Since April 2022, Holly has run:

  • 7 courses of The Write Club: Write your Novel, Write to Get Published, Rewrite Your Novel, Unique Writing, Writing Sex and Everything Awkward, Revving The Reader, Honest Writing and Common Mistakes, Author Branding & Social Media.
  • 66 Lessons
  • 2 Masterclasses
  • 4 library workshops
  • 4 Retreats
  • Assessed over 1 million words (manuscript assessments)
  • Run 54 sessions of Small Group Mentoring
  • Mentored writers from around the globe.

The Thursday Write Club (Taking a Hiatus)

The Thursday Write Club is held at Mattie Furphy House in Swanbourne each Thursday fortnight. Holly mentors her group over supper, wine and dessert (which is included in the tickets price $25 per session). 6:30pm-8pm. Holly will guide you through the writing process, offer advice, support and set writing goals for you. She will help you through tricky plot problems, read through your work and suggest changes/alternatives. This is a friendly, nurturing environment and writers enjoy switching off from everyday life, immersing themselves in their work with like-minded people there to bounce ideas off. Most writers from The Thursday Write Club have formed close friendships outside of this club.

There is an option of Holly assessing and providing a report on 2000 words of your manuscript each fortnight. You will discuss the work in person or on zoom on the night. This option is $50.

The Write Club Courses (Zoom & online)

The Write Club courses are held online AND in person (see below for courses). Holly teaches a new course with 6 lessons over a 12-week period. The classes run each Thursday fortnight and are recorded and sent to each attendee. The recording allows for flexibility for writers who can’t attend the zoom sessions. Each lesson is a new topic running for 1.5hr 6pm-7:30pm. Ticket Prices are $25. Holly teaches the topic for 30 minutes and Writeclubbers bring ‘homework’ to the class, incorporating the lesson into their work. During this time, Holly will read the attendees work, provide support and the rest of the Writeclubbers will work on their manuscripts. ***Please email/message/DM Holly to learn about her latest course****


⭐️The Write Club: Tackling The Tricky⭐️


A new course of The Write Club. Details below ⬇️

“Tackling The Tricky” is all about the hardest parts of writing our novels: Think 👇

Week 1) Creating effective red herrings
Week 2) Misdirecting the reader
Week 3) How to control and release information
Week 4) How to switch between dialogue and exposition
Week 5) How to SHOW (this in depth)
Week 6) How to incorporate mode
And much, much more.

⏰ Starts Thur Aug 1, 2024 at 6pm WST via ZOOM. $25 per session for six sessions, running fortnightly.

⭐️The Write Club: Rewrite Your Novel⭐️

A new course of The Write Club starting Aug 8th at Mattie Furphy House in Swanbourne AND online on Zoom!

‘Rewrite Your Novel’ is all about EDITING and HOW TO edit.

  • Week 1) Writing as a Reader– How to be critical, how to step back and analyse change, how to know what to cut and what to alter.
  • Week 2) Fleshing Out Characters- Character motivation, background, relationships
  • Week 3) Plots & Subplots – How to map it out for flow, how many, purpose, structural editing.
  • Week 4) Line Edits – How to rewrite syntax, vocabulary, eliminate words, create rhythm, how to edit.
  • Week 5) Inconsistencies – Believability, cliches, coincidences, realism.
  • Week 6) Layering the story & completing the package
⏰ Starts Thur Aug 8, 2024.
⏰6:30pm WST in person at Mattie Furphy House in Swanbourne AND via ZOOM.
⏰$25 per session for six sessions, running fortnightly.

⭐️The Write Club: Building Your Author Brand⭐️


Course 1: Building Your Brand (Pre-Agent/Publisher)

  • Who are you attracting? Agent/publisher/readers or community?
  • How to create your niche. (Examples and resources included).
  • How to source a role-model and learn from them.
  • Using IG and FB correctly to attract followers/readers/industry professionals to YOU.
  • How to be genuine and authentic while showing your face/what you’re working on.
  • Practice sessions and tips/tricks to help you create online confidence.
  • How can you be an EXPERT and have people believe in you.
  • Websites and other forms of social media.
  • How to create exciting content, easily.

This is EVERY single strategy I deliberately planned before implementing and it WORKS!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Starts May 9, 2024 at 6pm WST via ZOOM. $25 per session for six sessions, running fortnightly.


⭐️The Write Club: How To Write Your Novel⭐️


Do you want to join The Write Club, a community of 70 writers? 2 Years ago in May, The Write Club began with this exact course! And I’m going back to the beginning! ✍️

If you’re a newbie writer, a little further along, or needing a refresher, The Write Club: “How To Write Your Novel” starts in May online and in person at Mattie Furphy House. ✍️

There will be supper and lessons and a chance to connect with the WA writing community… And 12 spots have already been snapped up! 😮😮😮😮 only 13 more spots available!

If you’d like to join, let me know and I’ll add you to the list! Details below.⬇️

📚 May 2nd Thursday (running alternate Thursdays)
📚 6:30-8pm WST
📚 Mattie Furphy House, Swanbourne @fawriterswa
Or online via Zoom
📚 $25 per session or $150 upfront